Create and Setup Laravel Project in Github

Published on August 08, 2023 by Omar Ahmed

development backend laravel github git

2 min READ

In this blog, we will be discovering how to start and setup a laravel project in Github to start our development using Laravel!

First, create a blank repo in github with no

Hold on, do not clone it now, instead, create a laravel project at your preferred folder (for me I will use htdocs) using the following command.

But before getting into the commands, note that your-project-name should be identical to the name of the repo we have made before.

Let’s get back and create our Laravel project using the following command:

composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name

or use this command if you want to utilize Laravel’s installer:

laravel new your-project-name

Then after the project is made, initialize a repo by running:

git init

Then add all files and commit them

git add .
git commit

The following step is optional, which is renaming the branch from master to main. if you wanna do this, run:

git branch -M main

After that, all we need is to set the origin remote repository link we can push to our remote server in Github later. if you run git remote -v you will get empty result at this point as we did not add anything yet.

Note that the name origin can be changed to any name you prefer. I prefered to use it to represent our remote repository hosted on github.

So let’s run the following command:

git remote add origin your-remote-repo-link

Finally, we will set the upstream to the same remote repo so we can push to the remote repository on Github.

git push -u origin main

And congratulations, you can now work on your laravel project and use git and github to do version control for your project.

If you found this useful, feel free to share it with your friends and colleagues to help them out.

Enjoy, and have a nice day!